Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tips For Buying Solid Surface Countertops

Solid surface kitchen countertops have come a long way since the days when laminate was king. The combination of usability and design set a tone and a standard. Be it the classic elegance of granite or wood, a colorful solid surface or laminate, or the sleek feel of stainless steel, solid surface kitchen countertops abound with options.

With hundreds of options for solid surface countertops and kitchen surfaces, there are four main points to focus on:

- how long the kitchen countertops should last
- how durable they will be
- difficulty of the install
- how costly

Durable solid surface kitchen countertops typically carry a ten year limited warranty. If you plan to be in your current house for years to come, solid surface countertops may be your best choice.

Damage and stain resistance features insure your countertops will remain beautiful for many years. Elaborate edge treatments, unique inlays, coved backsplashes and integral sinks provide an infinite array of custom touches

The difficulty level to install will be determined by yourself and the countertops installer. A professional kitchen or bathroom countertops installer will provide all the details for you to make an informed decision for your remodeling project.

Cost, though not necessarily the most important factor, always plays a part in your final decision.


Once youve determined that solid surface countertops are the best choice for you, youll want to pick the best type for your kitchen. This can be a difficult task with so many options to choose from. To help with these decisions, I always recommend following this pattern:

-Pick your material
-Pick your colors
-Pick your features

First, select the material to use. Obviously, the material will determine limitations on the colors and features you can select. (I havent seen many purple colored stainless steel kitchens lately).

Once you have your material, now select your color scheme. The most important factor color will have on your kitchen is the mood. Research on line how colors affect a persons mood. Using this information, and your personal preferences, youll be able to select the right color for your countertops.

Finally, select your features. Think about what is necessary for the functionality of the kitchen, and what are desires. Perhaps you need a large backsplash,, or a cutout for a drain, etc.

Do your homework, and the solid surface countertops you select will be the highlight of your kitchen.

Damion Rutherford is the Online Marketing Manager for OFfering free referrals to find the best kitchen remodeling company for your needs.Aura Blog7362
Bette Blog37770

Help Your Child Get Prepared For A Rewarding Career in the Workplace

Most parents want to see their child fare better or have greater success than they did both personally and professionally. To that end parents often try to teach their children valuable life skills and morals that will help them to get ahead of the competition. Often, though words of wisdom simply aren't enough to help the child succeed. A good plan for the future is critical to giving a child a head start in life.

For most people the plan consists of helping the child prepare to go to college. Great pressure is put on the child to not only take college preparatory examinations, such as the SAT or ACT, but to score very high on the tests so as to gain entrance to the most prestigious universities. Sadly, many students do not perform well when taking examinations under such tremendous strain. As a result, their lackluster performance will exclude them from gaining entrance to the exclusive Ivy League universities. The option of attending a public university is still available but the poor performance on the examination could leave the student with feelings of inadequacy. Entering college with the idea of feeling like he or she is not smart enough will set up the student for failure before the post-secondary education can even begin.

Additionally, whether it is a private or public university the cost of obtaining an advanced education is prohibitive. Housing must be paid for whether on or off campus; there are constant books and tuition fees along with general living expenses. Obtaining a four year degree can leave both the parents and the student deep in debt. Besides the cost of the education there is also the factor that many students do not like attending school. Therefore, the faster an educational program can be administered the greater the student's chance for successfully completing it.

So what's the answer? Online career training is the way to go. This type of education is comprehensive, convenient and quick. Students can choose a subject of interest to them, enroll online and begin learning almost instantly. These are self-paced courses so the material can be covered as quickly or as slowly as the student desires. As long as internet access is available the student can learn at any time of the day at any location preferred. Upon completion of their career training the student is fully prepared to enter the workforce and start using the practical knowledge and experience gained. Since the career training courses can be paid for in advance there will be no heavy debts to pay back. If parents really want to prepare their children for a great career later they should definitely look into online career training.

Sherry Harris is the President of online career training school, Malibu Institute. For more information on master certificate courses and career education offered, go to: Blog89038
Ceil Blog3283

New Experience For Some San Diego Schools Students And Their Teachers

This July, Annie Santana, a Spanish teacher at Mission Bay High School, part of the San Diego schools, departed the city and headed for the island of Robinson Crusoe, Chile. In the seventh year of her career, Santana joined the Fulbright teacher exchange program.

For one year, Santana will teach English as a second language at a Chilean school on the island; but her students will not be losing her. A Chilean teacher will be replacing Santana at Mission Bay. While both teachers are immersing themselves into their new cultures, the students in both countries also will be exposed through their teachers to a new cultural experience and another country.

Both teachers will have many challenges to face, since there are many differences between the cultures. Chilean classrooms, for example, are smaller in size than those in the San Diego schools. The culture-driven relationships between teacher and student are much closer in Chile, as well.

Santana initiated the contact with the Fulbright teacher exchange program. She believed that she was ready to advance to the next level of cross-cultural experiences by teaching abroad. Santana thoroughly researched the available options. Many did not meet her needs, since she would have to give up her teaching position with the San Diego schools. The Fulbright program best fit her needs, since the exchange is only for one year and an exchange teacher will take her place, allowing her to retain her position with the San Diego schools.

Santana chose Chile, because it is more economically stable than other Latin American countries. To prepare for her trip to Chile, she read the House of Spirits, by Chilean author Isabel Allende. The book aptly portrays the culture in Chile, which is largely influenced by the many German immigrants over the years.

Before leaving in July, Santana remarked of her interest in experiencing the differences between the cultures of the U.S. and Chile. She also was excited to see how Chile differs from other Latin American cultures, of which she is familiar from her own Mexican heritage. She also was looking forward to seeing how school operations differ from the San Diego schools, as well as societal norms and the general day-to-day routines.

Other differences that Santana and her students back in the San Diego schools will experience are the Chilean customs and the difference between the Spanish known and taught by Santana and Chilean Spanish, which has a different accent, slang and word usage.

Santana is scheduled to return to the United States and the San Diego schools in July 2007. Until then, she plans to communicate with her family, friends, the Chilean teacher, and her San Diego schools students by way of the Internet. She wants everyone, especially her San Diego schools students, to enjoy her adventure with her. It is a great opportunity for them to experience life outside San Diego.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on San Diego schools visit Blog38641
Alexandra Blog25306

The Art and Science of Computer Game Design

For anyone that enjoys playing computer games, a career and computer game design would be a dream come true. What could possibly the more enjoyable and rewording then designing your own computer game and actually being paid for it? Some designers are paid very, very well indeed. Every fan of computer games has no doubt at least occasionally fantasized having a career in computer game design, as a gamer myself, I have thought about how cool that would be myself.

If you are dreaming of a job in the computer game design industry, the good news is its a huge industry and there are loads of jobs available and it pays remarkably well if you should happen to come up with a hot seller. The bad news is that it is very difficult to learn the requisite programming skills that are required. Getting a degree in computer science is a solid beginning, but there's nothing easy about achieving that either. Of the six friends I had in college that were computer science majors, only one of them has the fortitude to see it through and actually get a degree. It is a grueling major filled with advanced mathematics classes and tedious programming exercises. You really have to be smart, and you really have to be motivated.

If these things sound like something you could handle that a computer game design career may be something you could do. You will definitely need a deep abiding affection for computer games, but that's pretty obvious isn't it? My college friend that got his computer science degree is currently working for a well knowing game design company, and absolutely loves it. He will tell you though, that it is nowhere near the fun and games that he first imagined it would be.

Computer games today have absolutely huge amounts of complex code and can take years to complete. In the infancy of the game industry, computer game design teams often consisted of just a few people. Nowadays, a lot of the games have many different production teams all working simultaneously on a project, with each working in their own field of expertise.

For the really skilled programmers, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Experienced programmers with a proven track record under their belts can not only command a large salary but can have a lot of creative input over the direction of the game.

There are some other job in the computer game design industry and programming does not interest you. Generally, programmers are the most sought after, but good graphic artists and writers can be attractive employees to say game design producers. They may not be paid as well, but they most certainly still make an excellent living in the ever burgeoning industry of computer game design.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning games. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog50470
Cacilia Blog85265

Archiving in the Technological Era

Data retention has long been a vital business practice, allowing companies to use client information, assess company growth, and retrieve and manipulate data on past performance, all with the goal of propelling business growth and success. A number of factors contribute to a companys need to retain data, such as future analyses of business processes and compliance with government regulations that continue to lay out stricter requirements regarding the retention, disclosure and disposal of business data. The technological era has brought about a proliferation of electronic file data, spurring revolutionary change in the way data is collected, retrieved, archived and disclosed.

Businesses are faced with the challenge of adhering to varying data retention requirements at the federal and state levels. Many recent laws have increased the length of time that businesses must retain data, placing increasing pressure on companies to institute data archiving systems with the capacity to securely store increasing amounts of information, possibly for decades. Besides placing time requirements on data retention, regulations also require that data be secure, unable to be edited and produced on demand with short notice. To ensure security and that records are retained in a non-editable format, organizations must have an archiving system separate from the operational and reference data that is still needed for frequent business transactions and queries.

Some notable sanctions propelling the need for businesses to implement a comprehensive data retention system are the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and BASEL II. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which imposes strict standards regarding the retention of accounting data, was overwhelmingly passed in 2002 by the United States House of Representatives and the Senate. HIPAA, commonly known as the Privacy Rule, is a health industry standard aimed at allowing the flow of patients health data for health research purposes without disclosing an individuals protected health information, and requiring entities to preserve and be prepared to readily disclose data for six years. Similarly, BASEL II places disclosure requirements on the financial industry.

Ever increasing data retention requirements also place monumental pressure on enterprise data availability software companies to produce the most advanced archiving solutions with tremendous capacities and prolonged reliability. Available data archiving solutions give companies the capability of storing great amounts of data that is no longer needed for business purposes in a protected, non-editable format in a location that will not affect the data that is crucial to business operations. Such systems can provide a user friendly interface to streamline implementation of a companys data archiving strategy, and automatically discard information once it reached the mandatory data retention time frame.

Stephen J. Richards has 25 years experience in Data Management and Information Technology. This information is provided as a public service by Neon Enterprise Software, a leading provider of data retention products. For more information, please visit http://www.neonesoft.comCelia Blog54655
Amara Blog39715

Business & Purchasing: Buy Smart and Avoid Excess Inventory in Your Warehouse

Many companies are surprised when they find excess inventory of fast moving items during a physical inventory. After getting over the initial surprise, they shrug their shoulders and say: these are fast moving items and they should sell. What they fail to realize is that even though fast moving items will sell, they carry unnecessary storage costs that affect their bottom line profit.

Issues resulting from having the wrong purchasing information:

- Fast moving items resulting in excess inventory.
- Buying based on gut feeling rather than accurate computer information.
- Buying out of control.

Even fast moving items can result in excess inventory:

In speaking with a mid-sized distribution company CEO about this subject, he told me that prior to the implementation of his new computer system, they always found excess inventory of his most successful selling items when the physical inventory was taken. When asked why this happened he said: before we installed our new computer system, we did not have accurate information about our inventory level. Worrying that we would run out of stock, we ordered additional quantities of the fast moving items, not wanting to be caught short and knowing they would sell. At physical inventory time, we were surprised to find the excess inventory of the fast moving items.

After implementing a new computer system, the company achieved excellent control across the board resulting in accurate inventory control. Using the comprehensive forecasting module it helped them reduce their inventory to just in time level.

Today, rather then being afraid of running out of stock and buying additional inventory every time the company receives large new orders, they only buy what they need based on the computer information, and ship the items when they arrive at the warehouse dock. They still carry a comfort zone inventory level just in case shipments get delayed, but their inventory level is substantially lower compared to what they carried in the past. This has resulted in improved cash flow and bottom line profit.

Wrong purchasing information results on buying based on gut feeling rather than accurate computer information:

Not having a modern computer system with comprehensive inventory and forecasting systems creates the ripple affect of un-necessary expenses. Being creatures of habit, people remember their last success. Getting a very large order, results in the expectation that the client will repeat the same order again, so the inventory gets replenished.

This is a misconception since the clients economic situation might change, and they might not repeat the past buying trend. An additional factor people fail to realize is that when items reach their maturity, the sales will decline.

Having a comprehensive forecasting system, new inventory will be replenished based on the following factors:

- Current inventory level and its low order point.
- Item maturity based its sales history.
- Outstanding open orders.
- Vendors delivery history.

Wrong purchasing information results in buying out of control

Recently, I visited a company that is a division of an expensive knife manufacturer overseas. Having an outdated computer system, the Purchasing Department did not have accurate information about what was in the warehouse and purchased additional knife holders that will last them for a few years. When we walked through the warehouse, I asked the Computer Manager how they could live with this situation. His response was: I have been here one year and have made drastic changes. If you think we have a mess now, you should have seen the warehouse before I came on board.

When I asked him if Management was considering upgrading the computer system his response was: I dont know. We spent a lot of money on a computer system that doesnt work properly and upper Management might not be willing to cut their losses and invest in a new system.

Not having good inventory control and buying based on gut feeling rather then accurate computer information can result in having excess inventory that might not be sold.

Companies who say, for many years we managed to control our inventory the way we do it now, fail to realize that what worked in the past will not work in the rapid changes of todays business environment. Selling on the Web has changed the face of the business world. A very successful e-commerce site and a strong sales team is a blessing that can be a double aged sword. Not having the right computer infrastructure can result in the wrong buying decisions that lead to excess inventory in the warehouse.

Since 1980, Dan Kaplan has worked with corporate executives to improve purchasing, increase warehouse and distribution efficiencies, and implement software solutions that result in substantial savings and productivity improvements. With new inventory tracking systems (, Dan can help you enjoy 99% inventory accuracy and cut your storage expenses in half. To improve your efficiency and productivity go to Blog20615
Astrix Blog9691

Technical Sales Recruitment Agency

There are many technical sales recruitment agencies that help in the sector of providing jobs to the jobless and employees to employers. They are known to be very good and personalized in their services. These recruitment agencies are spread all over due to a very high demand of jobs. They have many base line jobs in different fields and their main motto is putting the right people in the right job. There are agencies that can be trusted. They get reviews for their services from various people including students who have been benefited by the services offered.

There are students and people from different sectors of work who face a lot of failure when they approach companies and offices themselves, but there is great help from recruitment agencies who take responsibility in putting the individuals at the right place. The agencies take care of further guidance and counseling for getting jobs, they assist in giving their time sitting with the individual and helping them with the various jobs availability.

They have a very good rapport with reputed industries, and HR departments. This rapport helps them to place individuals who walk into their office. Hence, there are varieties of options available with them for every one who needs their help. Along with it, there are other recruitment services that are provided like registration and selection; job offer management, interview management, paper checks and vacancy promotion. There is also more of in depth analysis that includes onsite services, candidate profiling, competency based interviewing, reference checks and skills testing.

There are some disadvantages along with the advantages, there are some people who have certain expectations, and those expectations are not met because of qualification, experience, or other points of effect, which can be a hindrance for recruitment consultancies providing their services. At times, there are also downfalls, when the job that has been offered to a client has been turned down. The reasons could be the company, or people or various other factors. Technical recruitment consultancies up to some extent do take responsibility of the necessary factors that they can take care of. When a recruitment consultancy links someone up to a company or an office, the office directly communicates with them, the payments are also made to the clients.

Candidate forms are given to those who cannot find a vacancy matching to what they are looking for. Therefore, clients can then fill the candidates form and get their details registered at the recruitment agency. The company then follows up with them on a regular basis. These companies are best suited for specialized sectors where jobs are hard to find. It offers the job seeker a plethora of options to choose from. As companies have a better reach when compared to individuals, this works well for all.

Jeff Blakemore is the Managing Director of NorthStar Recruitment Ltd. - , It is one of the best technical recruitment agencies - for technical sales, accountancy and finance, engineering, construction, IT and Commercial - covering both permanent vacancies and temporary vacancies.Brittan Blog90059
Almire Blog25954

IVF Success and Older Women

Forty may be the new thirty and fifty may be the new forty but nobody told our reproductive systems. And never has society provided more assistance in convincing us of our new younger status, via the mega industries of cosmetic enhancement and reproductive assistance.

Botox is to the face what IVF is to the ovaries they both involve needles, both hurt like hell but one has a far greater success rate. No prizes for guessing which one. Its far easier in your forties to look like Nicollette Sheridan than to reproduce like Cherie Blair. And the success rates with IVF, the most assisted of assisted reproductive techniques, is negligibly more than natural rates.

For instance at 45, there is a one percent chance of getting pregnant at all and then at least a fifty percent chance of miscarrying. The chances of IVF success between 40 and 45 is averaged out at ten percent but really starts at this and diminishes dramatically each year which is why many clinics will not perform a cycle for women over 42 using their own eggs.

They say its due to not wanting to take large sums of money in return for little or no hope but possibly they dont want to deflate their own success rates as it isnt good for business and this is understandable - they need business in order to improve their services.

By the time I was ready to embark on fresh rounds of IVF at the age of 41, having succeeded at 38*, my potential success rate had practically halved and the potential miscarriage rate had risen by fifty percent hardly encouraging. Yet had I not been lucky enough to conceive a child already, no doubt Id be in California now, having mortgaged my house and busy organizing an egg donor.

We can turn back the clock in so many ways but our eggs remain the same. I can only assume that in future more women will freeze their eggs when young, having learnt from a generation of women who found themselves, via modern circumstance, able to rid themselves of frown lines but unable to conceive a child.

*See In Vitro Fertility Goddess by Jodi Panayotov

Meet the author of In Vitro Fertility Goddess Jodi Panayotov, "Australia's answer to Bridget Jones" (ABC Radio), as she uses sharp humour to help fertility-challenged women overcome this all-consuming affliction.Belle Blog38876
Berenice Blog9409

Adventure Weekends A New Concept in Travel for Todays Busy Professionals

Todays busy professionals do not have the time to take week-long vacations to Europe or the Orient. They are looking for quick weekend getaways that can give them a break from the day-to-day stresses of the office, without transferring that stress to their pocketbooks.

With the advent of the Internet, young professional are able to book airlines, hotels, rental cars on their own, but they still need assistance in putting them together and adding the services of trusted providers on the ground for such activities as dining, nightlife, and adventures (rafting, skydiving, fishing, etc.)

Most packaged tours last seven to ten days, while weekend trips last from Friday to Sunday and are more moderately priced. There is no time off work and no planning six months in advance. Customers desire packaged trips, with the ability to customize them and even set up trip web pages where people can log on and buy a seat. No need to collect checks and pool money for some cattle call where customers are mixed in with groups of people on a tour bus. Weekend trips average twenty people and will go with as few as six.

Adventure weekends are a new concept in travel. People traveling to locations across the country to participate in private cattle drives, skydiving, fishing and whitewater rafting trips. What separates weekend travel companies from the typical travel agent and outfitter is that they not only handle all the lodging, transportation, food and adventure, but also provide local knowledge and convenience for over 50 locations. Everywhere from San Diego CA, Ft. Collins CO, Traverse City MI and Boston MA.

Customers include alumni groups, fraternal organizations, bachelor(ette) parties, church groups, family reunions, company teambuilding events and weekend getaways.

Service providers must have the knowledge of each location and researched all the restaurants, outfitters and lodging to determine which offer the best combination of local flavor and quality service. Even providing personalized maps of all the locations they will be visiting and cheat sheets of the night spots.

Adventure Weekends plans unique, adventure-based trips for groups of friends looking to make great memories. By planning everything from the lodging to the adventure, Adventure Weekends allows the group to enjoy the experience without all the worries and hassle of planning a group trip. Contact Adventure Weekends at or call 248-910-8152.

Darren Hitz is the Founder of Hitz Adventures (HA). HA plans unique, adventure-based trips for groups of friends looking to make great memories. By planning everything from the lodging to the adventure, HA allows the friends to enjoy the experience without all the worries and hassle of planning a group trip. Contact HA at or call 248-910-8152.Almira Blog68567
Alix Blog46392

Comparing Fresh & Silk Flowers

Comparing Fresh & Silk flowers

The journey of life is full of special moments, celebrations and jubilations. Sending fresh and silk flowers at such times make these moments more beautiful and special. Often buying fresh lilies or buying silk flowers involves great emotions, as it is for a special person. Not every time you need to buy flowers to celebrate a moment, but at times just by sending or giving flowers to your loved ones, can be the icing on the cake, that makes it more memorable. Sending flowers is an internationally popular way of expressing love and care. In fact every flower and every color has a special significance and connotes a special emotion. Giving flowers is an old trend that will never loose its charm.

Flowers for events

Flowers of different types and colors are used for different events. Fresh flowers produce terrific fragrance, that can fill a room. Where as, artificial flowers can be kept as mementos and preserved as memories. Orchids, fresh cut lilies, tulips and roses of pink shades, if combined together, make the most stunning bouquet of wedding flowers. Lighter shades of pink flowers, which stand for happiness and joy, are most used for as wedding flowers. Similarly there are special fresh and artificial flowers, which are arranged together as birthday flowers and anniversary flowers. Flowers do not only make beautiful gifts, but can be customized almost any way you want. In some cases artificial flowers are more preferred, as they can be stored. They also come in many varieties and colors. In fact artificial flowers, such as the ones made from silks and latex look amazingly beautiful, almost exactly like the natural ones and are also very cheap. Latex flowers have extra soft petals giving the flower a natural feel. As these flowers come with a long stem they can also be used in vases. Moreover when it comes to sending flowers you basically have two options. Fresh cut flowers, or artificial ones. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Fresh Flowers vs. Silk Flowers

Fresh flowers have their own beauty and fragrance, which, cannot be copied. The diversity that fresh flowers offer is really amazing. In fact no two red roses, or any other flowers for that matter, can ever look the same. The natural beauty can never be duplicated. Every flower is a masterpiece and a combination of such masterpieces surely makes up an enchanting arrangement or bouquet. However natural flowers are often seasonal and not all varieties are available through out the year. Further more fresh flowers dont remain fresh for a long time and perish easily. On the other hand Silk flowers last for years. Silks come in a wide variety of quality. The better ones are hard to distinguish from the natural ones. Silk flowers of all varieties are available through- out the year and are definitely cheaper than the natural ones. These flowers just need to be dusted off and washed from time to time.

Where to buy

To buy silk flowers there are various online sellers who offer these flowers at discount rates. Higher discounts can be available if flowers are purchased in bulk. Silk flowers can also be purchased from crafts shops. Similarly there are florists who can deliver these flowers on demand. Florists today along with the fresh ones have also started keeping silk flowers. Buying fresh flowers is more recommended from local florists. In fact go personally to shop for them. When you need large quantities of fresh flowers, go to flower markets, where you can get fresh flowers at wholesale rates.

Chad Harris is the founder of At we have information about growing tulips, caring for orchids, buying silk flowers, and much more.Anne Blog97788
Asia Blog25363

Goal-setting A Daily Affair!

We need to have Long term goals and short term goals.

Long term goals:

Be bold!
Just write down anything outragous!
Its ok, its GOAL anyway, right?

Remember, no invention begins without a BOLD Dream! We will not have computer, if someone dream of having a machine think as fast as us. We will not have car if on one ever though of having a machine to drive us around, we will probably still on horses.

Also, write down not one or tenbut, challenge and push yourself to write down 100 goals! Trust me! its not easy, but it is worth it! To date, i just managed to write 50 of them. Will complete it and rewritten it again every year! Its interesting to see and review yearly goals and notice the priority and importancy changed accordingly due to many factors.

Short term goals:

Be realistic
Something that can make us out of comfortable zone a little


Write in present tense as if its already achieve.

Set a date realistically. Its ok to slipped a little, just adjust accordingly.

Be as clear as possible (used of words such as by or from or on)

Be as detail as possible (write down the color, shape, dimension, smell, sound, environmentetc)

Write in positive positive and not negative positive way. (eg, i want to replace smoking with exercise as compare to I want to stop smoking)

Use affirm word and not trying word. (eg, I MUST have as compare to I WISH to or I will TRY to

Set a plan.

Write it down EVERYDAY.

Yes, for short term goal, its important to write it down EVERYDAY! Not many goal setting resources will tell you to write EVERYDAY. YES! EVERYDAY! Why? so that our mind can be congruent to what we aim and shoot for. If possible, start a new day with writing down the goal FIRST THING! This will remind us and tell us each day, what ever we do, are we gearlng it towards our goal!

Remind that this is not those daily achieving goal where I will do this and that today. This is your short term goal which I will encourage everyone to write it everyday!

I started this last year for 3 months and then stopped due to whatever excuses I can find. But during that 3 months, amazingly, I managed to achieve 2 of my goals which i have replaced it this time.

I MUST write down everyday and persistent through. Will use this blog to remind myself!

BTW, you may ask, what if I miss the deadline? Well, reset, review and rewrite again! Hey, rocket scientist do not launch their rocket to moon with one single projectile. The actual path of rocket launch was correted consistently throughout the whole projectile! So...

You = Rocket
Goal = Moon
Deadline = consistently corrected throughout projectile

Thus, by writing down our goals daily, will help us to correct oand review our daily tasks if we are on the right track.

If you feel like discussing on this subject, you are welcome to email me @ or leave a comment in my blog:

Albert TayAntoinette Blog98066
Annelise Blog34760

Choosing Jewelry For Your Personality

Are diamonds really every girls best friend? Maybe some prefer pearls, while others might be emotionally attached to their birthstone. Some might be drawn to a regional or cultural favorite, like turquoise in the southwest. Some believe that certain stones have healing powers, such as that hematite can banish headaches. When you are choosing jewelry as a gift for someone, it is a very personal item, one that, when they wear it, will reflect their personality and values to others. What do different jewelry items say about you?

One thing you should keep in mind is that jewelry is part of your outfit and overall appearance, so just as you buy clothing that flatters your shape and cut your hair to flatter your face, jewelry should highlight your beautiful parts in addition to being beautiful itself. If you, or the person youre buying for, has short, stubby fingers, large rings are not a good idea, and steering clear of rings in general is probably a good bet unless youre looking for engagement or wedding rings. People with long faces should stick to stud earrings or small hoops, since dangling earrings, while trendy, will emphasize the length of the face. When thinking about body parts to adorn, dont limit yourself. Those blessed with taut midriffs can wear belly button rings. If you are buying for someone with thicker wrists, or whose work or lifestyle might be slowed down by a bracelet, maybe an ankle bracelet would be a good alternative.

Different gemstones are believed by many to have personalities of their own, or make strong statements about the personality of the person wearing them. Birthstones are related to the month that you are born, which in astrology and other practices determine some of your personality traits. The symbolism of many gemstones is often similar to attributes that we associate with the color of the gemstone. For example, red is often considered to be a color of passion and love, and rubies, which are red, have the same connotation. Meanwhile, blue is usually associated with innocence, and so are blue sapphires.

Another consideration is shape. Jewelry is beautiful for two reasons, one, for the natural beauty of the material it is made from and two, for what the artist renders in it. Gold and silver chains and other jewelry come in varying patterns and thicknesses. Gemstones are cut and placed in settings that complement their natural features.

Jena Luthowski writes about, and http://www.SimplyBestCoupons.comBernette Blog87434
Caroljean Blog90518

Recording The Guitar to a Computer

You want to record your guitar, make your own riffs, music, etc. You want to plug my guitar into my computer? How to connect the guitar to the computer the right and best way? What software? Which audio interface? What about my favorites guitar effects? What computer? Where to start? It can be overwhelming.

The recording guitarist's computer setup should be something like this:

* Guitar (*GTR with 13 pin connection recommended) * Microphone for recording Acoustic guitar, vocals etc. * Quality guitar cable * Audio Interface-Firewire (recommended) or USB * Guitar/midi interface * USB/Firewire cables * Computer (Mac recommended or PC) * Extra external/internal Hard Drive (recommended) * Audio recording/sequencer software * Plug-ins: effects- reverb, compressor, delay, chorus, etc o Dedicated guitar effects/amp simulation o Sampler/synths (for 13 pin guitarists or guitarist who can play keyboards) * Quality cables to speakers * Powered Speakers * Headphones (so you do not disturb the wife an kids at those late weekend sessions).

Some recording setups:

-Setting up your whole live rig and putting a microphone in front of the your cabinet, playing at loud volumes so you get the amp to sound right, push the speaker enough, putting your speaker in a closet, using a blanket to damping volume, etc. -You could use a load on you speaker and record direct.

-Use a preamp that is compensated for direct recording as the front end. You can plug this into outboard effects or add plug-ins

-You could record from your pedal board or any outboard multi-effects you might own. You probably end up with a direct type sound. Some multi-effects have amp simulation that might take the edge off the direct sound.

With any of these scenarios you are committing yourself to the recorded track. If you record with effects, you can't change it later. You would have to re-record! And if you do not re-record on the same day or you have to come back and have to set up the rig again, hopefully the knobs setting were written down, place the speaker in the same place etc, etc.... If you get into the recording other instruments or mixing the song and you want to change the guitar sound, tone, effects, etc, -- you have to re-record!

With a guitar with a 13 pin connection, either internally or a pickup installed on the body, you get 100% use of your software. You can record your guitar sound and get access to any software synths or samplers that come with the software or as a plug-in add-on.

With a software computer base system, you can change almost everything after you have recorded--amps, effects, mics, mic placement and more. You do this with plug-ins. You can save all your presets, sounds, etc. You could have multi-guitar tracks with different settings all from recording one track. The flexibility is there! Yes, there are purists out there- "software can't sound like tubes". Well, the software is getting pretty close!!!!

There is a lot of software out there. You do not have to spend a lot of money AND it is always improving. You buy a box. (i.e.hard disk recorders, and others mentioned above), you have bought a box. You usually can't upgrade without buying a new box.

People use computers every day at work or home- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel Power Point, etc) Email, Internet. Use it to record your guitar and music!!

Hopefully, this helps and you can check out more at

Brian has 18 years experience in the Music Industry.

He can be contacted at

Brian MurphyArlie Blog35222
Anastasie Blog9068

How to Double Your Sales Appointments in Half the Time; Part 1

Sales organizations live by growth. And Sales Growth is measured by sales revenue. If you want to know how to increase sales revenuethere are only three ways to do it.

Sales organizations live by growth. And Sales Growth is measured by sales revenue. If you want to know how to increase sales revenuethere are only three ways to do it:

1. Increase the number of new sales
2. Increase the amount per sale
3. Increase the frequency of sales per account

If you look at the first step in increasing our revenue, you see it involves finding new sales. How do we do that? We set more appointments. In other words, you must start your sales process more often over a week, month and year.

Now you can do that one of two ways. You can call on more people or you can convert more initial conversations to appointments. The second is the only way to do it without killing yourself. And that is the focus of this workshop.

Before we get into that I want to go over a very simple (but very important) mathematical fact with you.

Here it is.

When you double your new appointments set, you double your revenue. (Regardless of your Closing ratio)

Now that sounds so simple. And it is. And right now you're probably asking yourself something likeOk, Jeff, if it's that simple, why doesn't everybody just do it then? Or, "Hey! I only have so many hours in the dayif I double my appointments, I would have to double all of my work."

Not so fast. Obviously, I wouldn't have much of a career in this business if all I had to say to you was"If you work twice as hard or put in twice the number of hours, you'll make twice as much money." No. What I'm talking about is a proven way for you to actually work less by wasting a lot less time, but STILL having twice the number of appointments to show for it. Less timemore Results.

What I'm referring to is Skill-set improvement. That's right. Because it's our skills (or lack thereof) that keeps us grinding it out day in day out. It's the lack of effective skills that keeps you ineffectively busy, less productive and earning far below your potential.

Bottom line; Most of the sales people are just not good enough at setting appointments. And there's no reason for it. Because, it's just not that hard to do if you just learn a few PROVEN techniques.

Look. The main reason we're not so good at "appointment setting" is because we don't identify and isolate the action of communicating to achieve a face-to-face appointment for initiating a sales process. (Or what I prefer to call the prospect education process).

That means you have to isolate it and treat it as a separate (but essential) part of your recipe for success. You have to dissect it like a surgeon. You have to analyze every component of it. You have to assign Powerful Routines to each possible scenario. Then you have to systematically train to a process so you operationally outperform your peers and your competitors.

In essence, you must be willing to raise your right hand and "swear" to become a "Master of Prospecting." You must make this commitment and follow through before you go on to commit to anything else.

You need to observe this act of communication as your first (and most important) core competency.

Face it. Without mastering the basics, you'll always be lost. And you'll never become very effective or efficient. If you were comparing selling to golf, setting appointments would be like hitting it off the tee. And if you can't consistently hit it "straight and long" off the tee, you can't play. And you certainly can't win!

Here is a foreign term to most sales people.

What is a "Conversation-to-Appointment Ratio?"

You know, I've been acquainted with a lot of sales organizations over the years, and not one of them has ever identified as an essential competency, promoted as, trained to, and measured this critical performance indicator called a "Conversation-to-Appointment Ratio."

Well, just because no one does, doesn't make it right, does it?

So why is it important, you ask? Good question; and one worth going into.

Its quite simple. The Achilles Heel of most sales organizations is not creating enough new opportunities on a routine basis. And that leads to 3 bad things; not meeting revenue objectives, not ramping a new-hire to Quota in a Pre-determined amount of time and unnecessary sales employee turnover due to low appointment activity.

All have Hard Dollar consequences. The first one you leave on the table, and the next two go down the drain, never to be recovered.

Here is a hypothetical question. Let's say you're starting up a sales division for the new Widget Company. The objective for the direct sales force is to promote your widgets to small and medium-size businesses. You have a limited budget for marketing, so you have to rely on the fundamentals of "good ole" Sales 101 for your first year's revenue results. You must commit to becoming proficient at operational effectiveness, or basic "Blocking and Tackling."

One of your first objectives is to retain a qualified sales team of 100 reps in ten cities.

You decide to go to a headhunter to speed things a long. Mike contacts you representing the ABC Recruiting Company, and offers to provide you with qualified candidates. He gives you two choices:

- A pool of candidates with 90% Closing ratios (The expensive package)
- A pool of candidates with a 65% Conversation-to-appointment ratio (The less expensive package)

The offer is one or the other, not a mix of both. Which would you choose?

If you picked the first group, you're in for a risky ride. Because no matter how good a closer you hire - you can't close someone that you're not in front of. Remember, you have no monies budgeted for creating customers through traditional marketing efforts. If this doesn't seem realistic or attractive, you may want to consider the second group.

In the second group, getting in front of the appropriate target prospect is a skill set that comes along with the package. Now based on your metrics - all you have to understand is how many appointments are needed each week to get to your monthly revenue goals. Then you just chunk that number into smaller daily goals. Now you have some accurate, dependable forecasting on your hands. Data you can depend on. And as long as you educate your people on just how you arrived at your first activity number, (it does change), they will be able to believe in it and accomplish it.

Let's summarize for a moment.

You may have the best service in the world. You may have the best widget in its category, hands down. It may have the best price and the best guarantee in the world. But if you can't physically get in front of your targeted business prospects, you just don't have the "Right to Win" in this highly competitive marketplace called business to business sales.

Jeff Hardesty is President of JDH Group, Inc. and the Developer of the X2 Sales System, a blended training system that teaches sales professionals the competency of setting C-level business appointments. Jeff can be reached at

Jeff Hardesty is a National sales speaker, Sales performance improvement consultant and the Developer of the X2 Sales System, a blended sales prospecting training system that teaches sales professionals the competency of setting targeted C-level business appointments. Bria Blog75630
Abigael Blog32949

How To Correct A Slow Running Computer

You push the power button on your computer and 5 minutes later you're finally ready to start computing.It seems as though it takes forever and a day for your computer to get going,Why?

Most likely,the main reason your system is dragging the ground is because of all the junk that runs in the background that you don't see.These are applications you may have installed over time.

Such utilities as scanner drivers, and hard drive monitors can swallow up memory and cpu processes,not to mention adware and spyware creeping into your system.These affect both your computer's bootup process and performance during normal operations.

Another reason for slow pc bootup and performance may be the simple fact that your computer is aging. Computers running Windows 98 and Windows Me with cpu speeds of 500mhz or less are good candidates for slow operation.These system often have inadequate RAM Memory as well.

OK,so you,re no doubt asking, how can you correct this ever present,nagging problem.If your system was purchase when dinosaurs roamed the earth,consider upgrading by adding more memory,a larger hard drive,and if possible a faster cpu.

You can free up hard drive space by deleting files and applications you don't use often.Improve performance by not overlooking basic pc maintenance.Running scandisk and Defragment are crucial to pc preformance.And try third party memory management programs.

Running scandisk will find and attempt to correct errors on your hard drive.System Defragment will free up hard drive space by re-arranging files in an orderly manner.This allows the cpu to find files much faster and not have to roam all over the hard drive to load files into memory.

You can get more bang for your buck by purchasing a faster computer however.When adding the costs of components and the increase in speed and performance you will gain,you may come out better to purchase another system.

Windows operating system have a utility named Msconfig that can display programs that bootup and instantly run on your computer. To start Msconfig,select Start,Run,and type "msconfig" without the quotes,in the Run dialog box.Msconfig does not show all programs running in the background however.

If you have Windows XP as your operating system, try to delete all files in the prefetch directory. Windows XP Professional monitors files that are used when the computer starts and when you start programs.

When Windows XP Professional monitor these files, it prefetches them.Prefetching data is the process whereby data that is expected to be requested is read ahead into the cache. Prefetching boot files and applications decreases the time needed to start Windows XP Professional and start applications.

These files if not deleted will lower system resources and slow pc performance by loading programs that are no longer being used.To delete these files,open C,your system drive, and go to windows/prefetch.Delete all files or at least those more than 3 weeks old and, reboot.

Try to check to see if your computer and the CPU Chip are not overheating. Excessive heat will cause your system to perform much closer.Make sure your computer is well ventilated

A really neat and free utility that does a great job at displaying all programs is Merijins free startup utility which configure programs at utility is simple to use and should not add more burden to your computer.

Another utility called Process Explorer ,Sysinternals Tutoring at can be used and this utility allow you to disable each program.

And when it comes to correcting slow computer performance, you can be your own worst enemy.And just how is this? The word procrastination means to put off today what we can do tomorrow. Such simple tasks as running scandisk and defrag are often put off until a more convenient time.

Don't let procrastination or anything else get in the way of boosting the performance of your computer. You'll thank yourself many times over when you see the results. You will also have the knowledge to help others boost their computer's performance as well.And that can always be a blessing to someone.

Otis F. Cooper is the author of the award winning PC Super Pack,the Computer Training By Video course.For hundreds more free PC repair tips,sign up for his bi-monthly newsletter and learn the PC free at http://www.ultimatepcrepair.comAnthia Blog53050
Anabelle Blog2425

How to Write Music and Where to Begin

Despite my somewhat underwhelming reputation in the music business, I have been asked on occasion usually by woefully uninformed novices how to write music. Wow, this is kind of a heavy topic, I mean so many ways to address it. In order to save you from the unintelligible ramblings of someone who is not the most brilliant music theoreticians, I will skillfully side-step the technical aspects and move into the more esoteric aspects of writing good music.

Why are guys like Lennon and McCartney, Page and Plant and Sir Elton and Bernie Taupin so successful? I find that its because you have in these relationships the consummate lyricist and the consummate musician existing side-by-side. If Morrison was the poet, then Manzarek, Krieger and Densmore were the guys who set that poetry to music and they would not have been The Doors without that combination. It helps to know what youre stronger in. I, for example have worked with pretty fair lyricists and some good musicians, and I find that I definitely fit in the lyricist category. I once heard The Edge of U2 comment that most of their songs were written on one string. Thats my philosophy, and Im not being entirely facetious in that. I can see the logic that a music writer goes through in developing a song, but for the life of me, I have not been able to replicate that in my own dabblings. Realizing your own limitations is half the battle. There are some extraordinary people who are capable of writing both music and lyrics, but these are few and far between (and what is the pompitous of love anyway). Find what you are good at and make that, either writing music or lyrics, your primary mission. Thats not to say that you should not do both, at least as an exercise in perspective. I think its extremely valuable to stretch yourself on a personal and professional basis, but its my opinion that you stand a better chance of scoring success long term by finding a philosophical Yin to your Yang. And it need not be only one person either. Many successful songs have been written as part of a group effort.

Once youve found your niche, its important to have a process in place for you to be productive. When I first realized that I would have to get a real job to put food on the table after college, I went into the information technology field. Now anyone who has worked in this area knows that they are really big on developing repeatable processes so that once theyve successfully done something, they can keep going back to do it the same way. As an artist at heart, I rebelled against this notion. It thwarts the creativity process, I railed. Well, turns out that they may have been on to something. While having things too tightly structured may be a hindrance to creativity, having a set way of going about songwriting in general may be a great help. For example, lets say you are a California band and you really want to emulate the Eagles, so you go into the studio with the mindset that youre going to write a Southern rock song in 4/4 time only using this standard set of chords. Chances are, youre going to be a pretty boring band. But, if you go into it saying, this is the style of music I feel comfortable with, were going to come in every day at 8:00 a.m., whether we feel like it or not, write until lunchtime, whether what we write is any good or not, and then after lunch write for a couple of more hours. By building that habit of writing at a certain time, for a certain amount of time, youre creating a process that will produce consistently good songs with some flashes of brilliance. The reason is not because the process itself makes you any better, but it does produce a considerable amount of work that lets you get your ideas down on paper. Later you can separate the wheat from the chaff, and you wont feel rushed to turn out a masterpiece in a day to fill in that last spot on the CD.

That in a nutshell is what I tell those who ask me for advice on writing music. When I reflect on what else I could have told them I keep coming back to the same conclusion, that if I had gotten down to the nuts and bolts of lyricism and musical structure, it really would not have helped much. All of the knowledge in the world will not help you if you do not have that spark. Theres a certain intuitiveness to songwriting that no one can teach. Its the same reason that I dont write music very well. I know chords, scales, structure and theory, but putting it all together escapes me. So I putter along and if I come up with an interesting progression, I go to my friend Steve and he takes it and runs with it. When hes done, he gives the finished product back to me and I add the lyrics. Its a system that works well, and although well never be famous, we have fun, because each of us knows our unique gift, and weve learned how to use them together.

Kenny Auyoung: - Looking for a band? Search through thousands of musicians profiles to find the right band members in your local area. Find musicians, start a band, and play music - http://www.getmeaband.comBibbye Blog25884
Adore Blog33168

Time for a Web Wash?

Those of you in the business of e-commerce, internet marketing or website building will understand the importance of first impressions of a landing or home page of a website.

Unfortunately, I found out the hard way and yes, I was stupid as I certainly should have known better, given my years of experience in marketing. The message really hit home on Saturday morning when a voice on the other end of the phone said and what exactly does your company do, I have been to your website but I couldnt quite understand it.

Oh dear, my little heart sunk about as low as it can go (well, over a website tragedy that is) and I vowed to remedy the situation first thing Monday morning. As it happened, I couldnt live with myself by leaving the web-makeover till Monday, so Sunday morning I fired up the laptop and tried to put myself in the seat of a first time visitor to After two minutes I understood exactly what this well intentioned soul destroyer was alluding to and after five I had decided to throw away half of the content on the site.

But first things first, priorities reminded me that I had an urgent task to research some email marketing companies for a promo I was considering, so I spent the next three hours going through a list of companies that my researcher had prepared. The simple goal was to find the companies that could benefit from my product. And guess what; most of the websites were just as confusing as mine! So I set a benchmark, if I couldnt understand exactly what the company did after two pages of research I deleted it from my list.

Lets get real here, we are all busy people. How would you feel if you put your mower into the back of your car, drove it to the other side of town to a mower repair shop and found out that they didnt really repair mowers.

So back to my website, while still having that annoying little inner voice reminding me of the Number One search engine tip content is king (does anyone really know what the search engines feed on any more?) and trying to balance this with the KISS principle, I set about to come right back to basics. And do you know what? It was fun, it was easy, it was cleansing. And more importantly, my focus became clearer and clearer the more detritus I eliminated. It was like carrying around old baggage, not quite necessary anymore but Ill hold on to it just in case I ever need it again!

How many of you can honestly say that your website is clean, is focused and your services clearly defined. Just take another little check, it wont hurt.

When you clean out all your unwanted and unused hoardings at home it is referred to as a Life Laundry, lets call this a Web Wash.

Penny Archer is a Director of SmartDames FZ LLC, an international Email List Broker based in Dubai Media City, Dubai. Other articles that she has written can be found at Angelique Blog25329
Catlaina Blog97178

15 Steps to Speed Up Your Computer

Your question, how do I speed up my computer? You get frustrated when your computer is very slow. You can now save yourself from aggravation especially when you are very busy working. I will show you 15 steps to do to speed up your computer.

Let me enumerate them: As I have also mentioned on my previous articles

1. Defrag your computer at least once every two weeks (I do it once a week). Go to start>accessories>system tools>disk defragmenter. You can click on "analyze" first before you choose defrag, it will tell you if you need to defrag. Just defrag it even if it reports you don't need to.

2. Do Disk Clean Up at least once every two weeks (again, I do this once a week). Go to start>accessories>system tools>disk clean up. It will analyze your disk and will generate reports. I suggest you delete files from the recycle bin and the files located in the temporary files folder. Note: I avoid compressing files. It's your call.

3. Clean up your program files, delete and uninstall unwanted programs on your computer. Go to control panel>add remove programs. Make sure you restart your computer after uninstalling or removing the program so that complete deletion will take place.

4. Delete all files (temporary files and cookies from the computer). Here's how: open a browser. On top of the browser click on tools>internet options>delete files and then delete cookies. Make your history set to (0). Others wants it on at least 10. I always set mine to (0).

5. You have to be very careful in installing or downloading programs. Make sure you need it, if not please just avoid it. Uninstalling them is really hard. Many vendors has all the power to have their program stay in your computer!

6. Always turn on your firewall. I suggest you have only one firewall and one anti virus. You get less safer if you have two anti virus running (I know people who likes to have two anti virus programs running on their computer, I don't know why.)

7. Run anti-spyware programs. I trust spybot, search and destroy and the Adware from Lavasoft. I run SD every week, I do immunize them before I do the the entire program to run. I run adware every week too after I run spybot search and destroy.

8. Run complete scan using your antivirus software at least everyday (some do it once a week). Mine is scheduled at 3:00am everyday.

9. Avoid multi-tasking too much! Meaning to say, avoid opening too many programs all at the same time running at the task bar.

10. I also suggest you get a dual hard drive (which I know is now common in the market), one for the operating system only and the other for all the programs, database and files. This way, the computer boots on one hard drive.

11. Also check the performance of your computer when connected on the internet. Go to control panel >network and internet connections >network connections >right click the mouse on the connection available (e.g. local area connection "connected", "firewalled")>click on "STATUS". Make sure on the status tab, you will see the speed (mine is always 100 mbps). The packets sent and the packets received must not have a very high difference. If it is sending too much packets (as in ten times) than it receive (then try to do number 7!).

12. Always make sure you install the latest updates on your computer.

13. Always make sure all devices (drivers, etc) are properly functioning. Go to control panel >performance and maintenance >system >hardware >click on DEVICE MANAGER. You will see all the devices and adapters available on your computer. Make sure you don't see a yellow question mark (?) or this means there is an error on that device or adapter. If so, you need to update it or install the right drivers. Updated firmware might also be needed.

14. Browsing the internet? well, I have my google toolbar installed on my computer and is my default search engine. Their pop up blocker is really great!

15. A memory of at least 512 RAM might be a good idea installed on your computer

There you go, 15 steps! Good luck!

Ms. Pinky Mcbanon is an experienced Medical Biller and Coder based in New York. A graduate of Bachelor Science in Computer Engineering. A Medical Practice Billing Consultant.Alison Blog23788
Candace Blog61396

Find your Date with Online Dating Sites

Dating is the best way for finding your date and to attract your soul mate. Your dating interests and hobbies are another weapon in attracting someone's curiosity in you. They want to feel you and your passions so give them something that will spark something in their mind.

Dating is the best to get introduced to opposite sex to understand each other and if you both are comfortable with each other then you can get into any relation with the same person. Numbers of online dating sites are available where you can find your date.

1) Free Dating Site

Free dating sites are great for beginners of the online dating game. People like to communicate new persons on the Internet, but the only thing holding them back is that they do not know what online dating site to go to.

There are hundreds of free dating sites. Do you know which online site offers dating services? Probably, But do you know that there are also sites that offer free dating services? Yes, there are free dating sites that you can go to that will provide you many of the same services that you can get from paid dating sites.

Free dating site is also recommended for those who are cautious and dont really want to dive into something they are unfamiliar with. Free dating sites are all over the Internet. Free dating sites also offer free profile hosting to their members, and you can start building your profile immediately after signing up.

2) Free online dating

Free online dating for everyone! This is what free online dating is all about. Internet, undoubtedly, is the most preferred dating medium, which offers both paid and free dating services. You can go for anyone according to your choice, but if you can get the best online dating services for free then why pay for them. So add free to your search query and enjoy online dating for FREE. Free dating offers many other advantages.

Free online dating sites give direct access to chat rooms and discussion rooms without any cost which helps you to know the like, dislikes, hobbies and comfort of the other person before going on date. Lots of people and lots of activities in discussion rooms give you a perfect dating experience.

Anna Josephs is a freelance editor having experience of many years in writing articles and news releases on various topics related to health, automobile and social issues. Currently, she is working on To get more details on Dating, please visit . Please feel free to write feedback on this article. Anna Josephs can be contacted at annajosephs@gmail.comAugustina Blog83130
Alexia Blog95951

Online Payday Loan For Fast Approved Easy Finance

Salaried people often do not have any income source other than their regular salary. Because of the dependency on the salary, they finish off the pay by the time the month has advanced a bit. So in case of some urgency or even for regular works they have to borrow. But fast approved loan is what they always look. This and other requirements are well met through online payday loan.

Online payday loan is called so because it is provided by online lenders. One of many advantages of online payday loan is that it is approved fast and the loan amount is in the hands of the borrower within 24 hours. Process of applying online is very simple. Every website of online payday loan provider has an online loan application. You fill some basic information like loan amount, purpose of the loan and personal details and with a click of the mouse the application reaches to the lender for processing. After confirming the information the loan is instantly approved.

Online payday loan is basically an unsecured loan as generally no collateral is offered by the borrower. Borrowed amount is so small that collateral becomes unnecessary. Still to secure the loan in other way the lender may ask for a post-dated cheque from the borrower. The cheque consists of borrowed amount and lenders fee. At the repayment time, lender deposits the cheque in borrowers bank to withdraw the loaned amount and the loan is paid back.

Other requirements to be fulfilled by the loan seeker include a bank statement, proof of monthly income and employment. This assures the lender about repayment capacity of the borrower.

An amount ranging from 100 to 1000 can easily be borrowed from online payday loan providers. Any greater loan will depend on high monthly income and good credit history of the borrower. A slight disadvantage is that the loan is of higher interest rate. This is because the loan is a short term loan and being unsecured the lender has certain risks. Higher interest rate should not bother the borrower as he can payoff the loan in say two weeks and does not carry the burden.

Before making an online payday loan deal, make sure to compare different loan packages on offer. This way you can arrive at a suitable package.

Online payday loan gives you an opportunity for taking a loan even if you have a bad credit history. Assure the lender about your repayment capacity and intention to pay back the loan and it is in your hands. Make sure that you pay off the loan in time to avoid higher interest and fee.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed his LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. He is currently working with BestPaydayLoans as a financial advisor. To find Online payday loan, Bad debt secured homeowner loans, Homeowner personal loans, Cheap homeowner loans in UK that best site's you need visit Blog57268
Bobbi Blog75563

How to Select Right Software Development Services Provider?

Selecting a right software development company is really a tough job. The manager needs to check various aspects before finalizing the software development service provider to handover the project to them.

Prior to approach a software company to develop software, you need to work on some basic things like Identifying exact requirement, Analyzing the requirement as per end user point of view, Design a basic architecture or workflow.

After doing the basic analysis, you could approach some reputed software development companies with your specific requirements.

What things you should check with every software solutions provider?

You could choose a right software development company by analyzing the following factors.

a. Technology Expertise: Technology is the most changing factor in software industry. So selecting the suitable technology for the software application is also important. Therefore check out that in which technologies the company has expertise.

b. Timely Delivery: Timing is very important in software industry because you must launch your software product or service before your competitors. It will help you to achieve the big share in the market. So make sure that your software product / application will complete within the estimated time frame.

c. Quality of Service:
Error-free software creates the good image in the market. So test your software from user point of view to check the quality of software before putting it into market.

d. Support: Post software development support is the integral part of smooth functioning of the software application. Ensure that the company provides the proper software support system.

e. Past Experience: You should ask the software development work they have done before for other clients. Then you would be able to find out the strengths and weaknesses of particular Software Development Company and whether the company is able to fulfill your Software requirements or not.

Where should I get quality software development services?
There are many software development companies in market, but as per my information is one of the best Software Services Provider Company based in India having branches in USA too.

Tandon Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd (TISPL) provides complete custom software development solutions, project management as well as application development, Quality testing and Quality assurance services to various kind of business areas. TISPL also offer web-marketing services such as Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click Management, Link Building, etc. It will help you to get top keyword ranking and maximum traffic through major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.

TISPL have professional expertise in all latest Software areas like C, C++, Java, VB, VB.NET, ASP, ASP.NET, SAP, RDBMS, Linux and many more. The consultants in TIS are skilled in multiple platforms, languages and applications and receive continual cross training in world-class development facilities to ensure that TISPL stays at the leading edge of technology.

SAP Business One Software Solutions:
If you are looking for integrated software services to manage your business functions efficiently then you can find, which offers advanced SAP Business One Software Services at affordable cost. They are expert in SAP Business One Customization, Implementation, Integration and Support as well.

For more information about software development services you can check here

Name: Pradeep Jade.Annabelle Blog17826
Berenice Blog71207

Russian Gold-diggers

If you find a beautiful Russian woman, who is thirty years younger than you, who tells you that she is desperately in love with you after you just met her for the first time last night, you should be a little suspicious.

The overwhelming majority of Russian women seeking husbands abroad are honest in their intentions. They want to have a reliable partner, happy family life, and a stable future. They are not going to marry a man just to divorce him in a couple of years after they get to where they want to go.

However, you must be aware that there are a few barracudas out there who are willing to take advantage of your sincerity. To avoid an unhappy experience, use your common sense.

For some reason, some men who are shrewd in business, enough to amass a small fortune, seem to check their brain at the hatcheck counter when they come to Russia.

Men are always shocked when a gold-digger takes advantage of them. A close examination of their behavior frequently yields the following observations:

They often act like big shots, throwing money around, dating women thirty years younger, bragging about their accomplishments to impress the women they meet.

They are like peacocks that try to display their plumage in order to attract a mate. When they meet a gold-digger, they are surprised, even though money is exactly what they were advertising. Then they act victimized by the innocent looking girl who took advantage of their offer.

All men are guilty of this at times. Let me make some recommendations: Dont brag or exaggerate about your personal circumstances. She will find out the truth as soon as she gets to your home.

If You Lead With Your Chin, It Makes It Easy For Someone To Take A Punch At You.

I sometimes think that when a man says that he has been taken advantage of by a gold-digger, that this kind of circumstance did not happen by mistake. As the old saying goes, hockey players and chess players dont hang out together.

There are all kinds of people that are out there in the dating world. There are women that are jerks and there are men that are jerks.

I have heard stories of men who are addicted to the tours because of the gigantic ego stroke it gives them. They take advantage of the ten to one ratio of single women to single men at the social to bolster their self-image.

They like to feel superior to the local population of Russians because of their relative economic superiority. They brag about themselves and throw money around to impress others because of their low self-esteem.

They toy with womens hopes and aspirations to get married without being really serious about commitment. They pick the most gorgeous runway model they can find to parade as a trophy wife, or arm candy, in front of their friends.

A guy like that probably deserves a gold digger a woman who is his moral or spiritual counterpart.

Elena Petrova tell this story:

A professor from an American university told me that he met a couple of men on board a plane to Russia who flew there for a "marriage tour". He characterized them as "bad". He said they were arrogant, obviously had problems with health, and were drinking too much.

One of them complained that he was previously married to a Russian woman but she left him a year after the marriage. The professor said he felt sorry - for the woman -- because she had stayed with this man for the whole year.

He said that he would have run away from him in a couple of days if he was her. And this guy was intending to find another lady for marriage in Russia - again, twenty to thirty years younger.

The other male specimen who gets taken advantage of by gold-diggers is the ones that literally are mentally or socially challenged. They either dont have a brain, or dont use it, or they are three nuts short of a candy bar.

John Kunkle has been married to a Russian women for over five years. He has travelled the path from finding her, to traveling to Russia, to bring his wife to America, and adjusting to married life. He will show you step by step how to do this yourself.Abbi Blog37890
Annette Blog45084

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools

With the increasing cost of college education, you surely would want to know the different possibilities wherein you can study and earn a degree without paying so much or without paying at all. Sounds familiar?

What about scholarship for college students?

Now thats more familiar.

But getting familiar with the phrase would not give you any result and would not even let you finish college for free. You still have to know the types of scholarship for college student so that you can choose which one is right for you.

You see, not all scholarships are created equal. Some have certain criteria and others have certain requirements. Each has its own sets of rules for qualification set by the sponsor. But for the basic knowledge about the different college scholarships offered, here are the things you should know:

Academic scholarship for college students

This is probably the most famous type of college scholarship. Here, students are awarded with free education provided that they pass an entrance examination for scholarship or finished high school with honors or, passed whatever requirements the sponsor have set. Most colleges and universities offer this type of scholarship. Academic scholars would have to maintain certain grade to keep their education free.

For private organizations that offer academic scholarship, rules on maintaining certain grade are less strict than colleges and universities. This though does not mean that private organizations are more lenient to their scholars. This only means that colleges and universities can watch the status of their academic scholars closely since they have the access to the school records.

Athletic scholarship for college students

Finishing college through athletic scholarship is another way to study for less or even for free. It is a given fact that many students dream of becoming an athlete on their school mainly because athletes are awarded with free education. The thing is: since it may be easier to play sports than to become excellent in academics, competition among students is fierce.

Meanwhile, there are private institutions that award athletic scholarships to students. And their system works the same as colleges and university grants.

Departmental scholarship for college students

Many college and university departments offer scholarships for two reasons: to attract more students to study in their department, and to maintain students who wish to move to another department.

These 3 are not the only scholarship grants that could bet. But basically, these 3 are given most of the time.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog15560
Caresse Blog66520

The Benefits Of Student Exchanges

Maybe youve considered travel. I used to think that I would travel when I was done school. Then, it occurred to me: theres no time like the present. Going on exchange was the best thing that I could have done. Here are a few reasons that studying abroad is great:

1. Its cheaper.

When you travel as a student, it is often cheaper than traveling later in life. There are a few reasons why: you can get great student discounts (get an ISIC card: an International Student Identification Card), you dont mind staying in hostels, and sometimes the school will help you pay.

2. Its more organized.

If you have been scared to travel because you dont want to do all the paperwork of getting a passport, a visa, and you dont know how to book a flight, dont worry. If you go on an exchange through school, your school will help you with all of the international paperwork. They can answer all your questions. You might not have a lot of experience traveling: they have a lot of experience sending students on exchange. Dont be afraid to benefit from their experience.

3. Its the real experience.

Often when people travel, they take cruises or tours. As much fun as a Contiki tour is, you will probably never get to know any of the places that you visit. You would only hang out with your friends who you came with. If you go on exchange, instead of staying at each place for only a day or so, you get to stay for a few months, or even a year. This means that you will really get the feel for your destination. You will make friends with people who are locals. You will have enough time to really absorb the new culture.

4. Its a rewarding (and awarding) time.

You can get certain awards, prizes, and fellowships for studying abroad. You can even get some when you return from your trip. If you are worried that you wont be able to pay for your trip, find out about some internationalist awards that you can win, and take the time to apply. There are also special loans for students who plan on studying abroad.

5. Its more fun to learn.

When you go on exchange, you will take courses at another high school or college. Yes, there will be school. But the real learning that you do when you are on exchange is not done in the classroom. You will learn things at school, but you will be amazed at how much you learn when you are just having fun. Go sightseeing, see everything you can see. Sign up for field trips and get out there. Youll remember more about your art history if you go see the Sistine Chapel!

If you are going to a country where English isnt the primary language, now is the time to learn that language. Take some courses (even buy some tapes) before you go. Dont be afraid to make a mistake in that language. Just practicing will help you improve. You will find your trip is more rewarding if you make the effort to learn a second language. (Be careful: often when people find out that you are an exchange student, they will want to practice their English with you. However, you can politely explain that you are here to practice their language and they will often understand).

6. It helps you learn about yourself.

You might think that you have traveled to another country to learn about that country. But you will find that you also learn more about your country when you travel because you will start comparing your culture to another culture. When other people ask you questions about your country, you might learn new things about your history, geography, and politics. You will come back to America knowing more about who you are and where you come from.

7. It looks great on a resume.

In the end, after you have traveled the world, seen all the sights, and come back a better person, you will be able to put this exchange on your resume. You will be able to explain your experience for jobs, future education, and other positions that you apply for.

8. Its easy to finance.

If you are concerned about financing your exchange, dont worry. You can get special loans to help you. Check out the link below.

Morgan James is the editor of, which has information on how to fund college exchanges. Morgan successfully completed an exchange to New Zealand and would do it again in a second!Anett Blog68683
Callie Blog34319

Get Paid to Drive Your Car

Whats the Deal?

Its quite simple. Big corporations are always looking for new ways to promote themselves. And the latest, most innovative way, is you. All you have to do is agree to place the logo or advertisement of a company on your car, and drive with it wherever you go. This new method of company promotion offers an immense benefit to the advertiser, and you profit from it. In some cases, the company will actually give you a new car with a logo already on it. And all you have to do is drive.

Does this actually work?

Yes. But be ready to wait a while before making any money you will be at the mercy of your advertisers. On average, applications are accepted within 90 days of submission. But the wait might be well worth it in the end. Today there are literally millions of people who are benefiting from this new advertising strategy throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Whats the catch?

There are two things you have to realize before considering this money-making tactic. First, you must be willing to have the advertisement on your car wherever you go; you are not permitted to take it off until the advertising term ends. And secondly, you must agree to drive at least 1 000 miles per month. But most people do this anyway. It is also a plus to leave in or near a large urban center and to park in a public place as much as possible. The advertisers will collect this and other detailed information from you before working with you. Moreover, you will be responsible for insurance, maintenance, and paying for gas. You must also be at least 18 years of age, and have a good driving history.

Where do I start?

There are quite a few companies on the internet that offer this service. What they will do is take your name and submit it to a list of advertisers, or better yet, they will simply give you a list of the advertisers who are willing to offer you cash for driving. In the latter case, you can pick your favorite and contact them directly. In all it only take one sign up (usually about $30) and a few e-mails and youre done.

How much will I make?

Between $100 and $3000 every month. Of course very few people make $3000 per month. But it depends on the company, how far you drive, where you drive, and the type of ad thats placed on your car.

Where to Look:

The customer service here is excellent. And the directory offered is very thorough, which results in the highest chances of getting accepted, and being paid more. The information provided on the site is somewhat lacking, but you can always ask for more details to make sure youre getting what you pay for.

Another Website: features a tool to locate programs available in your area and is one of the more established "get-paid-to-drive" companies, but it is more expensive than the rest.

Still Looking: Google It

Search for: "get paid to drive your car" and browse through the results until you find one you like. There are many of these programs available, so feel free to take your time.

Michael Brulotte is a student at Marianopolis College in Montreal, Quebec. He is studying law and will soon become an advocate of international law in Canada. His interests are primarily in human rights, and the association of law and morality.Carissa Blog19929
Cal Blog68275

Consolidate Debt To Make Debt Repayment Easier

Consolidate debt and take the worry out of making monthly payments. When was the last time a month passed by without you stressed about bill payments, or how much you charged on your credit cards?

Your debt just seems to keep growing and you find it harder and harder to make ends meet. With the average household having 10 credit cards, you are probably finding it more difficult to keep track of multiple credit card payments, bills, loan statements, and more. If you consolidate debt, you can make it much easier to pay off your debt.

When you consolidate debt, you combine your multiple debts into one easy to manage loan. By doing this, you make one payment each month to one lender instead of having to keep track of a bunch of different debts from multiple lenders. It makes it much easier to manage and you lower your risk of missing payments and ruining your credit.

Negotiating a debt consolidation loan allows you to get a lower interest rate. In order to be competitive, lenders usually offer a lower interest rate than you are currently paying on your outstanding debts (especially credit cards). This can save you a great deal of money over the long run.

When you consolidate debt, you lower your monthly payments. Having only one loan lowers the amount you will have to repay each month compared to the total amount you have to repay for your multiple debts.

Different options are available to consolidate debt - secured loans or unsecured loans. Secured loans use collateral to back the loan in case of default. These types of loans usually provide the lowest interest rates since the lender's risk is offset by the collateral. Unsecured loans are backed only by your credit worthiness and do not require collateral. Since only your reputation backs the loan, the interest rate is usually a little higher than a secured loan.

Types of secured loans include a home equity loan, a home equity line of credit and cash-out mortgage refinancing. Some more creative methods include automobile refinancing, a 401k loan and using your whole life insurance.

Types of unsecured loans include personal loans. You can also use no interest credit cards to consolidate your credit card debt through balance transfer but you need to know what you're doing. Done improperly, they can cost you dearly. Done properly, they can save you a lot of money.

Although you struggle with debt everyday now, you can make it much easier to repay your debts. If you consolidate debt, you can make your debt situation much more manageable. As your debt keeps growing, now may be the time to act.
Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides information and solutions.Annissa Blog86030
Celeste Blog2114

Tips and hints to help you when photographing birds.

The following is a several basic tips we have learnt along the way, we hope that they may assist you with your photography.

I tried to describe all the things more simple.


Bad or lackluster photos are caused from laziness. Unfortunately, too many photographers, amateurs and professionals, will approach a photo assignment with a pre-conceived notion of attack - mostly from "history of style" and wanting to play it safe.

Rarely, will the photographer step back, put down the camera and size up the assignment before proceeding. Instead, many of us will execute the photo from the angle we initially approached the subject, never thinking to study the subject and its environment first.

Hold It Steady:

A problem with many photographs is that they're blurry. Avoid 'camera shake' by holding the camera steady.

Use both hands, resting your elbows on your chest, or use a wall for support. Relax, don't tense up. You're a marksman/woman holding a gun and it must be steady to shoot.


Light is the most important element of any photography, the difference between a great photograph and an average one is often only the light in which it was captured.

Day Time:

The best time for bird photography also coincides with when the birds are most active, i.e. early mornings or late afternoon.

The light at these times is softer and more pleasing to the eye. Photographing in the middle of the day is usually only acceptable if it is overcast, other than then you are wasting your time.


Opportunity plays a big part in bird photography, whether it is being prepared for what ever may happen, or by creating the opportunities that increase your chances of a good shot. Generally we never go out to get a specific shot, we wait to see what opportunities we are given, thus eliminating frustration with the introduction of chance.

Time Factor:

Time is very important, when photographing birds, we rarely use hides and prefer to spend a great deal of time in one area.

By doing this, the wild life eventually accepts that you are not a threat to it, and in some cases their curiosity may even get the better of them, and they pay you an even closer visit than expected.

Depth of the picture:

Depth is an important quality of good photographs. We want the viewer to think that they're not looking at a flat picture, but through a window, into a three-dimensional world. Add pointers to assist the eye. If your subject is a distant mountain, add a person or a tree in the foreground. A wide angle lens can exaggerate this perspective.


location is another important consideration, there is no point being where the birds aren't. When visiting new areas, keep in mind a source of fresh water, may be a good place to start, also places like valleys tend to act as highways for birds, visiting different habitats will allow you to experience a greater diversity of birdlife, and hence offer greater opportunities.


Be thoughtful of birds and other animals when photographing them, never put their safety into question.

Be aware that you could upset their breeding patterns with inappropriate behavior. Avoid photographing nesting birds and be sure not to unduly stress a bird for the sake of a photo.

Enjoy your time spent in nature, it helps you understand that we are all part a of nature, not apart from it. If you get some great shots that's good but if you don't you still had the chance to commune with nature which is better.

Jan Linden is a professional photographer and fine art designer runs a gallery with high quality photographs.Ceil Blog6795
Annabel Blog69329

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